Federata Piccola Agricultural Company
The main businesses of the agricultural company are: cultivation of an ancient variety of apples and pears and the production of fodder and grain.

We aim for research, safeguarding and collecting technical data on the rural and local varieties of apple and pear at risk of extinction, to avoid the risky impoverishment of this precious genetic asset. Preserving ancient fruit allows us to reclaim forgotten flavours and scents, to re-integrate values of purity and genuineness in this food sector.

A large number of old fruit-bearing varieties have rusticity features and good resistance to the most common diseases. Our scope is also to gather informative-cultural news and make enthusiasts aware of these peculiar features.

The company, via an authorised laboratory, transforms a fair quantity of fruit in compote used for resale, and for customers of the B&B it is a nice present to take home after your stay.

The company joined the Associazione Val Siccomonte in 2004, a local association that merges agricultural companies and other businesses, located on the Fidentino hills, with the purpose of safeguarding the local territory from an environmental, agricultural and tourist point of view and with research and development objectives for typical products linked to the tradition of the countryside. www.valsiccomonte.it

In 2007 the company joined the Associazione Agricoltori and Allevatori Custodi di Parma, an association that came about to safeguard ancient varieties of fruit, vegetables, grain and old breeds of animals promoted by the Province of Parma Agricultural and Natural Resources Service. www.agriparma.it